Power itself must be abolished – and not solely because of a refusal to be dominated, which is at the heart of all traditional struggles – but also, just as violently, in the refusal to dominate. Intelligence cannot, can never be in power because intelligence consists of this double refusal. (Jean Baudrillard. The Agony of Power (Semiotexte, 2007).


Jonathan Fardy. Of bubbles and Black holes: The role of Form in the social Theory of Baudrillard and Sloterdijk

Gary Genosko. Telemorphosis Regained

John Illiopoulos. Baudrillard and a Short History of Psychiatric Architecture

William Purcell. We May Not Arrive At all

Mario Rodriguez. “The Ecstasy of Communication” As Critique of Media Events

Book Review

Maximiliano Korstanje. Review of Zigmunt Bauman and David Lyon’s Liquid Surveillance